Our Purpose
The mission for our ministry takes on concrete shape as it lives out the following purposes:
1. Grace — To celebrate Christ’s creative renewing grace in the world of higher education.
2. Discipleship — To graciously invite students, faculty and staff to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Fellowship — To eagerly gather students, faculty and staff into a campus community that shares in the life of Jesus Christ.
4. Worldview — To boldly promote the Reformed World and Life View as it reflects biblical story thereby equipping students, faculty and staff to explore the wonders of God’s creation and serve His world.
5. Culture — To persistently engage the Spirit and Mind of our culture, exposing the idols of our times, re-aligning our lives toward the coming rule of God so that we might be agents of cultural renewal and world restoration.
6. Church — To willingly offer the fruit of what Christ is doing through McMaster and Mohawk’s Christian Reformed Campus Ministry to the institutional church and the broader Christian community.
7. Leadership — To identify and walk with potential Christian leaders in a mentoring relationship so that they may be equipped to witness to God’s Kingdom that is here and still coming.
Work, Faith & Kingdom
All Things had the great privilege of being featured on Resonate Global Missions. We had our very own Dr. Michael D. Fallon and Alumni Eric Goforth represent us and the mission All Things Christian Reformed Campus Ministry brings to the wider McMaster community.